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OuR.HeaRt Virtual Gallery

OuR.HeaRt was a Virtual Surrealism Art Show hosted by Iris Elliot Starlin-Hintz and Richie Combs. This show's theme revolved around "The Heart," which we defined as personal expression, internal feelings, love and desire. This show had an emphasis on featuring LGBT+ surrealist stylized artists. The inspiration for the theme came from the host's personal interest in art based in expression, rather than skill or accuracy.

OuR.HeaRt is a virtual art show I coordinated and co-hosted on Mozilla Hubs. Mozilla hubs is a free software used to host rooms for gatherings of people in virtual space. The virtual gallery space uses spacial audio voice calls, text chat, and 3D avatars to enhance internet interaction. 

I had never done something like this, and with Elliot's help and Mozilla Hubs, we were able to curate an art show for anyone around the world to join. Elliot and I both didn't get to have senior art shows because of COVID, and we wanted something for people to do during quarantine to make them feel apart of something while still staying at home safely, and thus the project was born. 

The theme we followed for this show revolved around “The Heart”, which we defined as: personal expression, internal feelings, love, and desire. The most important thing to us was to include artists that made art based in authentic expression. 

In addition to this theme, all of the artists featured in the show are LGBT+, providing a prospective of “The Heart” which is not often seen in traditional depictions. The show took place January 8th-10th, 2021 on Mozilla Hubs in our custom room. 

My involvement in this project largely consisted of communicating with our artists, providing feedback and suggestions during the virtual gallery building process, being at the show to troubleshoot and welcome guests, and inviting guest artists.

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